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The Council is committed to helping you join the Australian physiotherapy profession seamlessly through high quality assessments. We urge you to carefully consider the assessment and your availability before making a decision to pay for the assessments. 

Important notice: From 5 August 2024, the Council does not provide refunds for assessments. If you choose to withdraw or cancel after payment has been made, no refund will be available. 

For payments made before 5 August 2024, you will receive a refund according to the previous policy. Please contact us directly for assistance.


The Council does not offer any reschedules. Rescheduling will be considered as a cancellation without refund.

Exceptional circumstances

In exceptional circumstances, you may be eligible for a refund. These circumstances include injury, illness, pregnancy related illness, illness of a family member, or the death of a family member. Exceptional circumstances will require a medical certificate to support your request.

Request for a refund

Please make sure you read this page carefully and ensure you’re under “exceptional circumstances” before lodging a refund request. 

To request a refund, please email your request regarding cancellation or rescheduling to [email protected]. You will receive a response in 5 business days. 

Please note: There is an administrative fee of $56 that will be applied for processing any refund.

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