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Accreditation services for International Education Providers

Accreditation of an entry-level Physiotherapy qualification by the Council provides assurance that a qualification meets an international benchmark. By providing a standard for evaluation of entry-level physiotherapy qualifications, the Accreditation process delivers an assurance of standing that is independent of the Education Provider.


This benchmarked status benefits Educational Providers, potential students, graduates and employers by providing international comparability and the resulting mobility of physio graduates.

What is the Assessment based on?

The assessment is based on the following standards:

  • Public safety is assured
  • Academic governance and quality assurance processes are effective
  • Program design, delivery and resourcing enable students to achieve the required professional attributes and competencies
  • Assessment is fair, valid and reliable

The Council does not prescribe the content of learning programs, but requires Education Providers to demonstrate that their program’s learning outcomes achieve the Physiotherapy Practice Thresholds – Australia & NZ key competencies and foundational abilities.

How to apply?

The application template requires Education Providers to include a short statement addressing each criterion and an explanation of the evidence submitted to demonstrate the standard is met.

Education Providers should include any further relevant evidence and information to support their submission. In making its decision, the Council relies on both documentary evidence submitted by the Education Provider and experiential evidence obtained by the Assessment Panel at a site visit. Hard copies of information are not required. Education Providers are encouraged to use hyperlinks to key documents within the application, rather than uploading large files.

I’m an Education Provider, where do I start?

If you are an Education Provider and want to explore having your program assessed for equivalence of qualification Accreditation, please email [email protected]. We can explore and clarify your expectations and requirements, the nature of the process and provide indicative timelines.


Programs are Accredited for up to five years. During the Accreditation period the Educational Provider is required to submit an annual report to substantiate that it continues to meet the Accreditation standard.

Typically, the report includes student enrolment data, evidence of sufficient clinical placements, changes to academic staffing, progress on any conditions of accreditation, and identification of any major changes to the program.

From time to time providers may be required to report on areas of special interest in the shaping of the education of the profession

International programs must meet the same monitoring requirements as domestic programs, including annual reports and site visits.

International Accreditation Fees

Details of the fees can be obtained by contacting us directly.

Timeline guidelines

Application timelines and scheduling of site evaluations will depend upon the maturity of the program under review and the ability to schedule a site visit.

Established programs – approx. 12 months
New programs – up to 24 months (allowing for the Education Provider’s curriculum development)

The Process

If you are an Overseas Education Provider and considering Accreditation, please call us so that we can personally guide you through the process OR email [email protected] and a member of our Accreditation Team will get back to you soon.

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