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What is Assessment for Skilled Migration Visas?

Assessment for Skilled Migration Visas or Skills Assessment is a document-based assessment of your qualifications and skills to ensure it meets the requirements of certain visa applications here in Australia.

The Australian Physiotherapy Council provides this assessment for physiotherapists interested in migrating to Australia on behalf of the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

Do you need a Skills Assessment?

If your Australian work visa needs you to nominate ‘physiotherapist’ as an occupation, you may require a Skills Assessment. To verify if it does, please check the DHA website.

Eligibility requirements

You must meet the following criteria to apply for a Skills Assessment:


Meet the qualification requirement for the General Registration with Ahpra by checking any one of these requirements:

The Council's Skills Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t meet the above application criteria?

If you don’t currently meet the above criteria to apply for a Skills Assessment, you could:


Which visa should I apply for?

The Council does not provide migration advice or information on visa selection.

You can find more information on migration processes and requirements from the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs; an Australian Embassy, Consulate, or High Commission; or a migration agent registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Can I apply with an Interim Certificate?

No, the Interim Certificate is not applicable for a Skills Assessment. Please refer to the above criteria to apply for the Skills Assessment.

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