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As an accreditation authority for physiotherapy, the Council is grateful for our staff who bring their expertise and dedication to the profession and to our work of accrediting entry-level physiotherapy programs at Australian universities.

Recently, our Accreditation Assessors came together for their annual face to face training workshop to discuss their approach to accreditation, the role of panels in ensuring the quality of physiotherapy programs, and the ongoing opportunities to bring First Nations’ perspectives in assessing how universities embed cultural perspectives and educate students in becoming culturally responsive physiotherapists.

For many years, the Council has built its work in education and healthcare accreditation and regulation on our core values and having a people-centred focus. Bringing together our accreditation staff reminded us again of the centrality of our people, our connections to each other and our passion and commitment to developing high quality physiotherapists for the future.

Across Australia, the Council accredits 53 programs offered by 28 Australian universities. The physiotherapy programs offered by Australian universities have the flexibility to vary their curriculum and teaching modes, as long as they demonstrate they meet the Council’s Accreditation Standard. This outcomes-based approach to accreditation enables innovation and encourages universities to partner with the profession and industry to produce graduates ready to enter the healthcare workforce and serve the health needs of the Australian community.

With a continuing workforce shortage for physiotherapists, we are collaborating with university partners to address the healthcare needs and find innovative solutions to delivering safe and effective graduate physiotherapists.

As the Council’s Accreditation staff met, it was once again apparent that they are deeply committed to upholding the quality of the physiotherapy profession and ensuring the future confidence that the Australian public has in accessing excellent, patient-centred physiotherapy services to enhance their health and wellbeing.

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